Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Memoirs

Thursday - I got home from work and Jed had deep-cleaned the apartment! I was thrilled - what a great surprise! Thanks Jed! You are so awesome!!

Friday - I got so much done! I mailed Christmas stuff off at the post office, I returned some stuff, I exchanged some stuff, I bought the last of Jed's Christmas presents, and I made a yummy dinner in the crock pot.

Saturday - I worked, Jed studied. I am so glad that I'm leaving this job. I cannot stand my coworker. And the worst part is that it's just him and me on Saturdays. I kept a log of all the annoying things he did/said. That made my day a little better. ;)

Sunday - After church, I took a long nap and Jed went to school to study. Later that night, we went to the Pages' for our weekly game night!! They had another couple over and we had such a blast hanging out with them!

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NuJPeavey said...
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