Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday Memoirs - A Day Late

Friday - I had the day off and got a ton of things done! It was great!
We went to our ward camp-out, but didn't sleep over because I had to work the next day. The food was good, and my cherry cake was gone in five minutes - that made me happy.
We sat next to some interesting people, the husband is actually Jed's HT companion. And on the other side were the parents of one of our girls in nursery. We really like them.

Saturday - I worked. Jed came to SLC with me. We went to lunch together and then got massages, too. I love that perk of my job. It was my first massage at the schoool, and Jed's first ever. I think he really liked it, which is good because he'll go back with me. :)
My friend Megan had texted me about this women's expo going on at UVU that day. We swung by her house on the way home and got her ticket so that I didn't have to pay. :) Thanks Megan!
The reason we wanted to go is because she had gotten a 2-night vacation to a resort in Park City for $50, and we wanted the deal too! ;) So we go to the expo, get that deal, and get another for a timeshare presentation. I'll let you know how that goes - we're going tonight.

Sunday - They split the nursery, again. It's really nice to only have about 4 kids each week, as opposed to 10-15 like it was in the beginning. We are able to work more closely with the kids and get to know them better.

1 comment:

Jill Rogers said...

Oh lucky!! I wish they'd split ours! We DO have the 10-15 kids a week and they're MOSTLY BOYS! But all except 3 (supposedly) will be leaving in January so they don't want to do it simply because it seems dumb to split and just go back again in a few short months...Basically that's short for: You'll be stuck with them ALL and they'll LEARN nothing. It'll be merely herding cattle and playing ref.