Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Utah Trip

I recently went to Utah for a little immediate-family reunion. It was so fun! But of course I didn't get very many pictures (ie. I got two when we first got in the car to start the road trip up there and one in the car driving around town) and blogs aren't as interesting without pictures, so I'll just quickly share some highlights.

*Milking a cow - it was awesome! And nothing like I thought it would be.
*Utah Olympic Park - such a fun day riding the Alpine Slide and zipline.
*Temple session with all of my endowed siblings - first time we've all been together in the temple since my wedding three years ago.
*Camping in the mountains - campfire, s'mores, and lots of fun!
*Cousin David's Homecoming - he's an outstanding guy.
*Seeing old friends
*Game night with Grandma
*Couple's Massage with my sister - haha!
*Of course, all of the yummy food that you can only get in Utah!

It was hard to get back into the real world. I'm already ready for another vacation. ;)

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