Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Memoirs

Friday - We went over to the Pages' house for dessert and games. We had a BLAST! We played Scattergories, Rummikub, and Gang of Four and Pop5 (a Cranium game) for the first time. **Christmas ideas: Gang of Four for Jed and Pop5 for me**
The Pages are so fun and I'm really glad that we've gotten to know them - they're becoming some of our best friends.

Saturday - I went to work and Jed came with me and studied all day. We got to go to Pie for lunch! SO good!
We stopped by Jed's aunt Annie's house to pick up our Russian Tortoise. His name was Turk and we renamed him Archie. He is SO fun! We're so glad that we got to take him off their hands. We've been wanting a turtle for a long time and now we have an awesome one! Thanks Annie and family!!
Jed tried to hike the Y with his brothers and some friends while the lights were still on for Homecoming, but when he got about three-fourths of the way up, the lights turned off. Bummer.

Sunday - We had our home teacher over and I went visiting teaching. We watched Hook and then studied. Nothing too exciting.

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